
When I decided to change my major from Civil Engineering to Graphic Design, my primary motivation was to work with art, whilst having a “proper job.” So I moved from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to San Francisco, USA, where I earned my Bachelor at the Academy of Art University. Later I moved again to Melbourne, AUS, where I earned my Masters at the Swinburne University of Technology in Communication Design.

After about a decade working with graphic design in Australia and later back in Brazil, I realized that it was not enough to create graphic art for commercial clients, I wanted to create my art for my self.

But not only art, I also wanted to focus on another passion of mine, philosophy. Since then I work to bring the two together, creating art works with philosophic content, and to develop a philosophy of art from an artist point of view.

Here you will find the three major disciplines I work with, photography, painting and printmaking. Photography was my first encounter with art, since before changing my major I was already waking around with my camera. In college I took a silkscreen class, where I learned the basics, and later on in my practice I branched out to other forms of printmaking, always keeping silkscreen as my major practice. I started studying and practicing painting by myself after becoming a professional artist, but to be honest I believe I could benefit from some classes.

Today I live in Lisbon, Portugal, where I can practice my art at my very own studio, Trama – Estúdio de Artes Impressas, along side my business Rita Cachão. We built the space to bring together artist that need a space to work, and we provide equipment for printmaking, photography, some woodwork, and any art you want to create.

This is a brief introduction about myself and my work. If you have any questions or just want to get in touch please feel free to drop me a line at gmlpontes@gmail.com.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy my work.